Spoiler-Free Logan Review

Logan is one of the first movies this year that I was really excited about.  Wolverine is always a great character to watch, in part because Hugh Jackman is wonderful at playing the character.  Wolverine is one of the only characters lucky enough to have the same actor for 17 years across several timelines of his character.  It is kind of fitting, when you think of Wolverine’s god-like lifespan, that he is the same although the cast around him changes.  Logan was a storyline I never knew that I wanted to see.

It seemed like the original teasers for the movie planned on doing the Old Man Logan storyline from the comic written by Steve McNiven and Mark Miller.  More recent trailers and just a few moments into the movie make it clear that this is not the case.  They mention the year in the movie, which seems too soon to have been during Old Man Logan.   The world is a very different place during Old Man Logan, and it seems clear that they are still in a world remarkably similar to ours.  You can read more about the Old Man Logan storyline at the link above.